A Beginner’s Guide: Creating Workout Habits!

A Beginner’s Guide: Creating Workout Habits!

Although running may seem straightforward, there are many factors both mental and physical that go into preparing for a race, especially when it is your first! It is essential that you are staying motivated and excited in the early stages of training and forming habits to maintain your routine. These five tips were created through both experience and expert knowledge, so, if you are ready to complete your running goals and start this year off on the right foot, read ahead…

Create a plan:

According to Charles Duhigg, the author of ‘The Power of Habit’,

‘Once it’s a habit, exercise feels easier and doesn’t take as much willpower when you don’t feel like it.’

He believes habits are made up of personalised cues, rewards, and routines, which when used overtime will allow exercise to become less of a chore, and part of your daily routine. Here is an example…

Cues: Time, place, music playlist or a workout partner (from a social distance of course)

Rewards: Chocolate, massage, smoothie, new running gear!

Routine: The workout plan.

By writing down your personal cues, rewards and creating a simple therefore adaptable routine, you will feel motivated to complete your daily run, which will overtime form into a habit.


By maintaining your personal cues this will create a consistent routine and will allow your neural pathways to make the activity a habit. This can be achieved by running at the same time every day or listening to the same pre-workout playlist. This will also benefit your concentration and focus whilst you are aiming to reach your running goals. Your mind will be triggered by these cues and connect your pre-workout playlist with getting in the zone to focus on your running training, allowing you to keep progressing towards your goals.

Treat yourself:

Treating yourself is the key to success! Straight after exercise, treat yourself with something you really enjoy. Your brain will connect completing exercise with receiving a reward and overtime you will become motivated without even realising it. Rewards could be chocolate, your favourite smoothie, or even a new addition to your running kit. Click here to shop our incredible selection of running gear!

Find your running buddy:

Charles Duhigg suggests surrounding your routine with things that make you feel good. This includes challenging and testing yourself; completing parkruns or charity runs to track your progress and setting yourself up for success. Running with friends or in a local group will boost your motivation and make you feel part of a community, meaning you will always view exercise as a positive and social experience and feel the urge to continue your exercise routine.

Look the part:

Running kit is also a key component for a beginner, feeling comfortable and confident whilst starting a new activity is very important for your motivation. If you feel uncomfortable in your clothing, you will find more excuses not to complete your daily workout, so by investing in an outfit and pair of perfect fitting trainers that you love, you will feel more excited and motivated to go on your daily runs. Shop online at RunActive.co.uk for a collection of high-quality and affordable running gear or contact us on our social media platforms for expert advice.

Get going!

Once you have established your cues, rewards, and routine, overtime your habit will form and your goals will soon be in sight! By staying self-motivated and maintaining your running routine whilst also feeling comfortable and confident in your running gear, you will go from beginner to intermediate in no time!

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